Hello, I'm Kevin Méndez.
I'm a front-end programmer living in El Salvador.
I focus on Web development.
I can help you out with:
- Vue.js Development
- Node Development
- PHP/Laravel Development

My Writings
Along with coding I also like to write about life and technology. Here are some of my recent posts.
How to audit login in a Laravel app?
Learn how to implement login auditing in Laravel using the laravel-auditing package.
Entendiendo clases y herencia en Javascript
Una guía completa sobre clases en JavaScript, cubriendo propiedades, constructores, métodos, getters, setters, propiedades privadas y herencia, con ejemplos prácticos para entender cada concepto.
My Projects
Here are some of my recent projects. I'm always working on something new, so check back often!

Landing page of the Comunidad de Dios
Modern landing page built with Astro and TailwindCSS, featuring responsive design and server-side data fetching capabilities

Dashboard of the Comunidad de Dios
Monolithic dashboard application built with Laravel and Vue.js, providing API services for both the administrative interface and public website

Psql dump database restore
A solution for restoring a PostgreSQL database from a .dump file